How to gain 15 kg weight in 6 months

Maintaining the weight of the human body is very important although in personal life or professional. Some people feel very embarrassed due to skinny body. Here we go with how to gain 15 Kg weight in 6 months. For gaining weight your need to read this article in detail. We are not recommending any supplement or other Products to buy you just need to follow everything given on this page.

If you are pissed off with your bodyweight you need to relax and read this very carefully as you can also put up weight in 6 months easily by following some healthy domestic diet. Here the Material we are providing is all Vegetarian no even eggs included so if you are vegetarian this is going to be a perfect plan for you.

You have to follow all steps without any negligence if you really want good results. Gaining up to 15 Kg is not the limit as you can put up more than this. This totally depends upon you how you are using these steps.

Here are the steps for how to gain 15 Kg weight in 6 months


Change your Sleeping and Waking Habit

Sleep and wake early if you want to gain weight
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Yes before bulking up in 6 months you need to change your Sleeping and Waking habit. You have to adapt your self to wake up a bit early as this way as early you will finish your Breakfast will give you better results. So this you have to make a habit of waking a bit early in the morning.

Beside awakening, you also have to follow the same habit for sleeping as well. You need to go on the bed for sleeping by maintaining the 8 hours duration amid sleeping and awakening. Like you have to manage your 8-hour sleeping essentially.


Make a habit of daily walking

Daily walk is good for balancing your body weight

Yes, dear for gaining weight up to 15 Kg in 6 months you have to allow yourself daily walking for a couple of minutes. If you can manage it bu Morning this will be very good but anyhow you are unable to manage you may use the evening for walking. By walking it means that you have to burn some of the calories taken through the day for gaining weight.


Avoid Junk Foods

Avoid Junk Foods if you want natural health

You have to deal with avoidance of Junk food if you are really concentrated with bulking up naturally. Avoiding means you have control over junk food so that you can make use of your daily diet routine. Once a while if you are getting craved for junk, you may enjoy a little bit but avoid regular consumption of junk food.


Follow a diet plan through the Day

Diet plan for bulking up

This step is very crucial for gaining weight in 6 months. You have to follow the diet plan properly. I am not the certified Dietician or doctor or not even food Influencer however I have used these steps in my life to gain 15 Kg weight in 6 months. This is why I am here explaining to you.

Here is the main portion of this Topic which is a must to follow. Other steps are also must but you can manage them as they are basically and part of daily life. But these diet plan which I am going to explain is a very important part of gaining weight naturally and the vegetarian way in 6 months. Follow these here :

  • Breakfast

Breakfast is very essential in every human life. Breakfast will boost up your metabolism and protect you from unwanted diseases. Now what you need to eat at Breakfast. Here is the list suggested for Breakfast Meal.

Add 3 Chapattis or Parantha in daily breakfast up to 3 Months. You have to consume chapattis with Any vegetables which include Pure Butter. If you don't have pure domestic Butter then you may use some trustee branded Butter from Market like Amul Butter. This is not enough you have to add 1 glass of milk in breakfast.

This is all about your breakfast you have to follow this breakfast diet up to the first 3 months. After having your breakfast you can walk around 5 minutes as due to Parantha, Milk and Butter you have gained a lot of calories so you need to burn a bit.

  • Lunch

Now it's lunchtime and this time should be around 1 to 2Pm. I suggest to never skip your lunch at all. In this Mid meal, you can use Rice if you like that. Rice is not enough common you have to gain your weight so you have to consume calories and boost up your metabolism.

In lunch, you need to add Chapati around 3 to 4 with a cup of rice. You need to add curd in lunch that is very important. One Vegetable or lentils is fine in Lunchtime. After completing your This food you need to have a 10 minutes rest to your body then after half an hour, you need to have water.

  • Post Lunch Meal

Now after finishing your afternoon meal there is a turn off post Lunch Meal which is slightly low. This is to just boost up your energy level which you have lost in the afternoon. Loosing in energy I means you must be working or college boy or even school kid. So to regain the energy you can take a small Chocolate or 1 to 2 banana. If you have a seasonal fruit that will be much worthy.

  • Supper Meal

This supper is a very important part of your daily diet for boosting up your body weight. You can't skip this meal as this is going to give you amazing results. In this meal, you have to consume liquid. You can take any of the following liquid.

  1. Fruit Juice ( single fruit or a mix of fruits )
  2. Milk Shakes ( various shake )
  3. Protein Drink
  4. Soybean Milk
  5. Soybean Cheese
  6. Milk cheese
  7. Lassi ( whey )

This above list to be used very wisely like you have variation in daily supper Meal. Some week you can add 3 days shake one-day juice one day whet one day and others. Whatever you are taking from this diet is good but you need to take care that you have to follow the variation in these Supper meals.
One thing which is most important in supper is Dry fruit. You have to add a mix of some dry fruit in small quantities such as 5 to 10 grams. In dry fruits, you can take Almond, Cashew, Raisin, Apricot, or anything which to able to manage.

Make ensure to don't skip supper Meal with dry fruits. This is almost you are done now last meal of the day is left.

  • Dinner

Dinner is most important but it should be light as after dinner you have to go for asleep at least 8 hours. So make sure to choose this food very wisely. You can add Rice and Chapattis in Lunch meal. Try to ake lentil at lunch and also don't forget to consume a little bit of Salad at night.

In a salad, you can add cucumber, reddish, Tomato, onion, or whatever you can manage according to the season.

This is you all done, follow this diet for the first 3 months and you will get massive changes in your body weight.

After successful completion of 3 months now you have are going to switch the rest of the left months. In the rest of the months, you have to follow the same diet but you have to increase the quantity level of Your all meal. That's all done.

Simply by following regularly this diet plan you can bulk up your body Naturally. After that, if you are feeling that weight is massively gained then ni need to worry now it turns to Checkmate. Checkmate I means go and train your body because you have gained some epic weight in 6 months now invest this on your muscles.

If you do not want to Join any Gym for a workout then you can have some home-based workout. The in-Home workout you have to perform a certain exercise like pushup squats crunches and others you can find over the internet.

This workout will help you to maintain body shape as you already gain now need to shape it.

Now I hope you are extremely understood with the topic of how to gain 15 Kg weight in 6 months. Now you need to follow these all steps very carefully and without any skipping. If you are about to skip you may not get better results so Follow ball steps are necessary.

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